hey i'm jen merritt welcome to an introduction to tapping also known as emotional freedom technique today we're going to talk about acupressure points that help calm our nervous system and we're going to apply it to creating some inner feelings of peace it's going to be a lighthearted experience i want to let you know about my classes and when i teach it is helpful to participate just like if you were to watch a yoga class or watch a boot camp class it would be boring you wouldn't get much from it it's an actual experience so tapping is a personal growth experience where we're tapping on points on the body that have a physiological effect of calming our mind
creating neural pathways throughout our body based on what we're talking about we can clear energy or we can shift our beliefs this technique is used in trauma work as well um i use it more for personal growth helping people look at things differently and uh as a beginner it's i'm really just educating people on how to use this personal growth tool for yourself um it is helpful sometimes to have a coach someone who's been doing this for a long time um i see myself as a tour guide and an educator i know the terrain using this technique i'm also a licensed hypnotherapist i'm in the last 20 years i've done a 200 or 500 hour training in a multiple of alternative health modalities i'm a licensed massage therapist yoga teacher for adults and for kids
i obviously and practiced i like this is what i do emotional freedom technique tapping hypnotherapy i did a 500 hour training in ayurveda that i consider myself a little bit of a baby at so i have a team of people that i'll reference to if somebody comes to me to learn ayurveda i'm great at introducing it to people i have a three-hour session that i'll do one-on-one to help people understand how it can be applied to their life and then after that i have a couple doctors i work with so i teach yoga once a week as well in video on demand and i share these classes i'm just i think mental health we associate that as something you go to a licensed therapist for and mental health is more like you have a mind how do you keep it healthy and you know to be able to have a toolbox of things to do when you feel certain
things that's really important to me so in this class this is confidential if we are sharing one-on-one what you share let's create an environment where this no one speaks what they hear in this class and um and in other classes that i teach we do go deeper and things that i want to build intention around is that there's some consistency to showing up this is an introduction we're not going so deep but in some classes we do go deep people do get personal and it is important to create environments where we're all respecting each other's boundaries and we really show up with that confidence when we're in zoom or any kind of video chat right now right and we want to show up as though we're in person we want to have this integrity where we're not multitasking we're not trying to
work while doing this and and that is fine sometimes but this isn't a movie you know you're doing this to have an experience and so a part of creating that experience is being present during the class and even in watching a video like showing up as though you're seen and heard not for anyone else because it's not about anyone else it's about you and you showing up for yourself having the experience that you're looking for which today the experience is all around creating some peace so i'll start by just telling you a little bit about emotional freedom technique tapping it started in the 80s gary craig studied with robert callahan a licensed psychiat psychiatrist who was using this technique for mental illness as far as conditions like schizophrenia bipolar add and he found specific points helped people in certain ways like fear of water
anxiety like belief work you know someone has an association of food um and certain foods that they have an emotional connection to using it for things like that and it was working he just he discovered it kind of spontaneously and it was working and it attracted other people to learn from him and gary craig went and he took the technique and he made it really simple he was an engineer and a life coach and he also studied in nlp and he put it together in a system and he taught a lot of people and then that kind of went off into different branches robert callahan went into different branches of tapping in different ways and so the form of eft that i'm doing came from that background and the way that it works is whenever you're tapping on a point anywhere along that energy line in the
body if there's too much energy it calms it and if there is a depletion in energy it restores it so you could look at energy in the body as heat you could look at energy in the body as your brain sending a message to an organ or a tissue that's energy you know energy because it's like how do you feel today are you tired are you awake are you radiant that's energy so when we're doing this work this is a very simplified way of working with energy and you don't have to know a lot because the points don't change the points are the side of the hand inside of the eyebrow the outside of the eyebrow underneath the eye
between the nose and the lip between the lip and the chin the collar bone and when you lift the arm the scapula wings out and you're tapping on the inside part of the wing of the scapula and then the top of the head some of the effects of these points is calming the heart helping the lungs expand the diaphragm release this is my experience this is not just my experience hopefully you'll experience it today and i obviously i've seen this help so many people for example i had a client who i worked with a mom and a daughter they were struggling with the mom still in
the role of wanting to mother her daughter and protect her and make decisions for her and it was limiting their relationship because now the daughter's in her early 40s and her mom is still um wanting to have a role in her life that the daughter didn't want and so it was creating some blocks and i did a tapping session with them where they were able to have a shift in perspective around feeling trust for the daughter in her decisions feeling confident about her capabilities feeling really good that she did a good job as a mother and we really built through the tapping technique as well as using some communication techniques of hypnosis and nlp um i really i was listening to her and you know the more i the more you use
your own words and what's true for you the more quickly you can shift and have that oh new perspective aha you know and that aha moment is really what's transformative and so this is where i feel like i'm a tour guide i i know different routes to have that aha moment and i know questions to ask and so i'm just supporting her and asking the right questions and she has these aha moments where she leaves feeling like okay i really did a good job i trust my daughter and it shifted their relationship another mother-daughter experience that i had um was someone came to me and they were telling themselves that their mom didn't love them they weren't able to see how their mom was able to love them and so in you know and this is where it's like it's personal growth when you're doing the tapping you're really doing it for yourself um it can be used for deeper trauma work
but it's really what is coming up for you in the moment and in the moment she was feeling sad and hurt and so we started with those feelings and we followed them and throughout the session i don't really know what's gonna happen i just listen we follow the feelings that are currently happening in the body and it you know it's we it's like climbing them out and we resolve create an experience of having a resolution and for her the resolution was looking at all the different ways her mom was able to show love and it completely shifted their relationship because now instead of having this mental dialogue of repeating my my mom doesn't love me my mom doesn't love me my my mom does this but she doesn't love me she was saying wow look at all the ways my mom loves me and so her response and the relationship shifted um there's a whole lot of other experiences
i could share um but just those were two um two examples of how this can be used for the present moment what's coming up for you and then shifting it so that you have that experience of change um so if so today we're going to do tapping round choosing peace it's super light and simple it feels good no matter who we are we can always feel better that's it's like exercise you exercise you feel stronger you do this it's like exercise for your mind and your mind has more confidence stability calmness awareness and so i'll show you first what this would look like if i was doing this as a personal practice and the first part is to clear any self-sabotage any part of us that has negativity that doesn't believe in something or the first part just
neutralizes that block and then after that you're tapping on the points you start by saying on a scale of 0 to 10 where am i at like if it's a negative emotion 10 would be unbearable zero would be no feeling whatsoever it's just you're neutral you wouldn't even be doing tapping on it so if we're doing something like this and i say okay well i can always feel more peaceful i can always feel better on a 0 to 10 10 being an unbearable no peace at all zero being peaceful i would say i i would say because i'm teaching this i am genuinely like over excited so it's not really bad but it's also not peaceful and so i'll say that it's at three you want to focus on physical sensation so it's like my heart is racing i my breath is short and kind of fluttery
and so you gauge the number the number there is no right or wrong it's simply a way for you to sense into your starting point and your ending point when doing this practice when you get to five or below simply using positive affirmations there's different techniques you can use to help get to the root of it but before a five you really focus on present moment the present moment what are you experiencing and so the first part clears the negative mind and looks like even though i have this level three excitement my heart is racing i'm jittery my energy feels jittery i deeply and completely love and accept myself even though i have this level three feeling of jitteriness and excitement in my heart space around my lungs i deeply and completely
love and accept myself you say it three times and the more you can say it with meaning the better but it still works even if you don't say it with meaning even though i have this level three when you say the number you're activating the part of your brain that is more rational feeling of jitteriness in my heart space and i know i can feel more calm i deeply and completely love and accept myself so really what we're doing with this is we're creating a sense of i accept my reality no matter what there are some times where you don't accept your reality in which case you might not say i love and accept myself you might say this is how it is you want to say something that's true for you so that's the first part then then you start tapping
this feeling of jitteriness you say the feeling you tune into it you allow it to be it's giving love to it like it's a child like your body is a child and instead of trying to force it to be different you're just loving it my heart is racing tune into it this feeling of jitteriness saying it out loud helps you stay present with it there are reasons this technique doesn't work for people and one of the main reasons is because they jump from thing to thing the thing they don't stay focused and that's one reason why this is really helpful to do in a group or together um or with someone that can help you stay focused because it is re the emotions fluctuate and if we jump from one thing to one thing to one thing we might even just re-trigger ourselves and then we're not feeling better so you
want to do this practice so that you're leaving feeling better that's the intention you're tapping on each of these points and if you're watching this feel free to practice tapping the first part of the technique you're focused on the feeling this jitteriness this jitteriness focus on how would you describe the feeling and while i'm continuing to feel the feeling i'm gonna be more clear with you about the points so the first point is between the knuckle and the end of the hand it's right in the center the points are the size of a needle a doctor of acupuncture is in some states they're doctors um they do go to school for the same amount of time it's they're
it's so specific when you're working with these acupressure points as a acupuncturist we're not being specific and the point is small so if you're in the general area you're hitting the point the top of the head is right in the center the eye points are on the ridge of the bone here your eye socket they're on the ridge of the bone so when i say eyebrow it's actually on the ridge of the bone so you can feel the very at top of the ridge is where you're at on each of the eye points this feeling of jitteriness and then the space around the lips is the very deepest indentation between the nose and the chin so while you're watching practice the points just see what it feels like you tap seven to eight times it really doesn't matter how many times you tap on
the point you don't want to be thinking about it so in the beginning you're thinking about it because you're learning you wanna as you get used to it it's no longer new you're no longer learning it becomes even more and more of a helpful experience so in the beginning you're just learning learn the points see what they feel like and then after a little bit the affirmation now i'll do i'm choosing peace i'm choosing peace i am choosing peace i am choosing peace so the first part of the technique you give it is zero to ten if you're above a five you focus on the feeling like i showed you you do the affirmation in the beginning then you do the tapping points while focused on the sensation giving love to
the body allowing the sensation to do whatever it needs to do but just give it love and then you go into a positive affirmation this is one way to use this technique and so today it's going to be choosing peace choosing peace i am choosing peace i know that i can have more peace i'm willing to feel peaceful [Music] collarbone point right here you're on the very end there's a nerve that runs through the soft spot in the neck so you don't want to be on soft tissue make sure you're right on the end of the bone you also don't want to be in this port there's a lymphatic junction here you want to be on either side and then when you lift the scapula up you can use one finger i use four
fingers here some people go like this that's fine you can also switch science the meridians are circular you can jump around it's helpful when learning to just learn in a line get into a habit of doing it so that is a demo of what it looks like and maybe now you've been practicing the technique let's do it together so that you can actually have a genuine experience of it so in the beginning when you're learning if this is something that is new or if you're thinking thoughts like this is weird i don't know you feel that kind of resistance you're actually that's what you would want to do tapping on first because if you want to do tapping on whatever it is that is real for you so if you're feeling if you have emotion just around learning if you have emotion around
doing something that's kind of different from what you grew up with or from what you see other people do or because this is weird we're tapping on our face we didn't grow up like with our family being like hey when you're nervous tap people around me have because when you know like my nieces and family when they're sad i've shown them the points but i didn't grow up that way so if you have a feeling around what am i doing this is weird you know that's common normal lots of people experience that when learning this and it's an emotion to move through if it's real for you so that way you can have peace with this technique so if you're you know so that's just a little tip in the beginning focus on what's real for you um so we'll do choosing peace first um scan your body
on a zero to ten ten being unbearable zero being having experiencing peace where are you at and what does it feel like in your body once you have the number and the feeling we'll begin with the affirmation even though i have this and then say the number and then describe the feeling i choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself
we'll say this two more times even though i have this feeling describe it and it's a number say the number i choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself and i know that i can feel more peace right now even though i have this feeling describe the feeling and it's a number i deeply and completely love and accept myself
and i'm creating more piece right now and then tap on the inside of the eyebrow focus on the feeling in your body feel it it is okay give some care nurturing and love through tapping on these points and say out loud the feeling
take a deep breath in notice how you can breathe even with this feeling notice how whatever this feeling is there's other aspects of you that feel differently focus on the sensation this point here is really helpful for the breath so while tapping on the collarbone take a deep breath in letting the air out
say the feeling describe it in your body not what you found at the beginning but what do you feel right now feel the feeling even with this feeling i know i can be more peaceful the scapula point even with this feeling i am choosing peace and then we'll do one more round simply saying choosing peace and choosing peace i am choosing peace i am choosing peace i know i can feel more peace choosing peace
take a moment to think about that feeling and say to yourself whatever it is that's causing this feeling if i need to come back to this later i can maybe i do maybe i don't but for right now i am choosing peace for this moment i am choosing peace and say what's real for you and we'll stop here so that's a really
beautiful introduction to eft tapping i hope you had a good experience and that you're feeling more alive and peaceful and radiant and [Music] because that's why we're here we want to do this type of personal growth so that we're moving ourselves in a more empowered confident direction aligned with our higher you know our higher self who are we and so i do teach some more in-depth group classes and then i have courses in eft tapping i have a deep introduction course that gives you a whole range of communication techniques to use alongside of the tapping points and then also different ways to use it like how to improve your meditation how to improve relationships learning how to put up boundaries um like some people have a hard time saying no or we're saying yes or receiving or things like that it's really helpful for things like
like learning feeling states sometimes we go through life where we just never felt a certain way so we don't even know how to recognize it and tapping can help your brain build neurons around ooh now i know what that feels like once you know what it feels like you also have more of ability more of an ability to create experience in your life that gives you that feeling so there's all kinds of different ways that we can use this tapping technique to improve our life and you can reach out to me if you'd like the introduction other things that i have is i have a housekeeping class resolving issues around housekeeping um and money financial abundance manifesting that in your world resolving blocks around like what people will think if i have money resolving blocks on how it feels to hold it all kinds of things around saving finances i partner with an expert on that and
um there's one other course that i have it is it's called the artist within and this is a course for creatives people who want to use tapping to clear past experiences where their their inner creativity was blocked clearing that energy around our creative enemies and building energy around our creative support team finding time to create everything around creation so it's really helpful for like an artist that plays music and they're not learning something quick enough they want to learn quicker or they find that they go to sit down to do something and they get distracted so the artist within is really helpful for someone who is wanting to embrace their creative self and use this tapping technique as a personal growth way to get there so i hope you enjoyed this class you can reach out to me at the info here and i
look forward to connecting namaste