Sound Healing Meditation & Journalling for the Chakras

Explore the chakras though sound, meditation and journalling.  

Taught by:

Jennifer Merritt

Yoga, Tapping, Meditation & Energy Healing

Video Courses

Do you thrive in creating daily calming experiences? We are continually growing our content to support people in personal growth. Here we share some experiences for relaxation and healing at home. 

Our Video Programs include:  Introduction to Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Introduction to Tapping, Winning the Day, Housekeeping with Tapping, Kids Tapping, The Artist Within, and Energy Psychology, Awareness and Self-Care. 

Registration Options

$33 per month - Access All Programs (Monthly Membership)

$155 per session - One-on-One Sessions

$25 - $263 - Life-Time Access to Specific Programs & All Updates (One-Time Registration)